Family Matters

I am not a writer or a good speller, but here goes.

In the sixty years I have been around, I have seen and done a lot of things. Most good but some bad. We all have skeletons in the closet and should let some out... but not all. It could do more harm than good. I think if we all wrote books on our lives, they would all be best sellers. Some might scare the hell out of us. And we would find out that our life histories are similar down the line.

We all hope that the family we raise turns out a president or doctor or just someone great. Of course we are happy and love them no matter what they become. Me personally, I am glad I have a Son and a Daughter who love each other and their families.

I think we all work hard to bring our children up in a changing world. Not to make it easier for them or so they won't have to work hard like we did, but to guide them in the right direction. The wife and me are happily at home, her watching her TV and me watching mine. We don't like the same things but we do love each other.