



This simple site consists of 8 primary pages, all accessible from the links to the right:

1. News contains links to drug-related news stories filed throughout the day.
. Truths, Lies, and Outbursts contain stories submitted by our audience.
4. PicsnClips holds pictures and a/v files.
5. Deeds displays previews of upcoming and reviews of past volunteer events.
6. Submissions provides a form for users to make their personal offerings to the site.
7. Gear links to the AmbitiousAddict's online store where you can find t-shirts, mugs and hats bearing our logos and slogans.
8. Link Search enables users to conduct full-text searches on not only this site, but also the entire Recreation/Drugs directory and a multitude of sites recommended by the AmbitiousAddict staff. See the next section for more details.


By default, the Addict Search field in the top frame accesses all of the documents in the Open Directory Project's Recreation/Drugs directory, at last count containing nearly 700 sites and tens of thousands of pages.

You can narrow your query significantly by visiting the Link Search page. Using the radio buttons and drop-down list, users may select and search from dozens of recommended sites individually. Some fall within the Rec/Drugs directory (which is also searchable from this page), while others fall into distinct but related categories. You can see a description of and link to each site, broken down by category, below the search tool.


Users have three ways to contribute content to this site, through the Submissions form or our email address. Please reserve the email address for comments on the site and data (nontext) files.

Submissions to the permanent sections of the site are subject to review and a delay in publishing. Furthermore, there is no guarantee your submission will be found acceptable (yes, life's tough). See the Submissions page and the individual sections for more information on what we're seeking.

That said, there are virtually no restrictions on postings to our forums. All we ask is that you do not solicit the purchase or sale of illegal items. Those found participating in such threads will have their email and IP addresses prohibited indefinitely.